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Cloud computing is an application-based software infrastructure that stores data on remote serves, which can be accessed through the internet. To understand how cloud computing works, it can be divided into front-end and backend.
The front end enables a user to access data stored in the cloud using an internet browser or a cloud computing software. However, the primary component of cloud computing – responsible for securely storing data and information – is the backend. It comprises servers, computers, databases, and central servers.
The central server facilitates operations by following a set of rules known as protocols. It uses a software, middleware, to ensure seamless connectivity between devices/computers linked via cloud computing. Cloud computing service providers usually maintain multiple copies of the data to mitigate instances of security threats, data loss, data breach, etc.
Fuzion tech has a plethora of services, from cloud consulting and assessment to cloud management and operations, that enable organizations on their road to cloud adoption.